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10 October 2023

Memory Walk For Alzheimers Society

Prime News

Prime Appointments staff wearing Blue Memory Walk T-shirts in aid of Alzheimers, Raising £2,864 for the event

Memory Walk For Alzheimers Society

On Sunday 8th October, our community came together once again for our annual Memory Walk, an event that has become a tradition since its beginning in 2019. This year, with the incredible support of our local community, we raised an impressive £2,864!

The 2023 Memory Walk was attended by 36 participants all ready to walk for this important cause. This group comprised 11 dedicated employees and the rest were members of the local community. Together, we marked a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's research.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to our journey. From the local community to our friends, family, clients, and candidates, your support has been invaluable.

Alzheimer's Disease hits particularly close to home for us at Prime Appointments. Our co-founder, Margaret Locke, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 51, making this cause deeply personal for us.

Our fundraising journey began in 2018 with an initial target of £10,000. Thanks to your unwavering support and the tireless dedication of our team, we quickly raised the bar to an ambitious £100,000. Our efforts have taken many forms, from raffles and cake sales to memory walks, a thrilling skydiving event, an annual golf day, and even participation in the Colchester half-marathon. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we persevered in our fundraising endeavors, and by 2022, with the help of numerous individuals, Prime Appointments successfully achieved the £100,000 fundraising goal.

Inspired by the Alzheimer's Society's unwavering quest for a cure, we set a new goal of £250,000. As of September 2023, we are thrilled to announce that we have already surpassed the £200,000 mark in just five years, thanks to the incredible support we've received.

You can contribute by visiting our Just Giving page at