Witham Office

01376 502999

Bury St Edmunds Office

01284 413456

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please find all questions related to holiday pay below.

How is Holiday Pay Accrued?

Holiday pay is accrued as hours are worked. For each hour worked you will accrue 12.07% in holiday time (just over 7 minutes).

I work 8-hour days, why isn’t it 8 paid hours? (or however many hours)

The amount of holiday paid for when you take leave will be based on how many hours you have worked in the past 12 weeks. If you work 8 hours per day, 5 days per week for 52 weeks solid then you will use and be paid for 8 hours leave if you take a day off as holiday. If you work varied hours, ie 30 hours one week, 40 the next, 16 the next, it would average these to the average daily hours you actually worked and you would be paid for that many as 1 days leave, (5.7 hours in this example).

How do I find out how much holiday I have?

Please email [email protected]

Where do I get a form from?

Prime-appointments.co.uk – Click the orange button in the top right corner of the web page. Select ‘Payslip Portal/ Holiday Forms/ Timesheets’, then ‘Download Holiday Form’

Where do I send a holiday form?

Please email completed forms to [email protected]

When does the holiday year run?

1st October to 30th September each year

How many days do I get a year?

Standard holiday entitlement is 28 days including bank holidays per year. This will be less if you work less than full time hours or for less than a full year.

Do I need to request the holiday with the company I am at first?

This depends on which Company you are working for but it’s advisable to check with them before requesting any.