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7 March 2023

The National Minimum Wage and Living Wages are Increasing

Industry News

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The National Minimum Wage and Living Wages are Increasing

The National Minimum Wage and Living Wage

On the 1st April each year the government set and review the minimum hourly wage a worker should be paid, this is known as ‘The National Minimum Wage’.

For all workers aged 23 and over the National Minimum Wage is replaced with ‘The National Living Wage’. This is also reviewed annually on 1st April and is higher than the minimum wage.

The value varies depending on the workers age and also whether they are an apprentice.

The rates that will apply to all workers from 1st April 2023 are as follows:

National Minimum Wage rates:


Under 18

18 - 20

21 -22

23 and over

April 2022 - Current Rate






From 01.04.23






Apprentice rates apply for all workers during their first year of an apprenticeship irrespective of their age. From the second year of their apprenticeship, if they are under the age of 19, the Apprentice rate still applies. However, if they are 19 or over and have completed their first year, the minimum wage for their age applies.

Prime Appointments have been busy working with all our clients to ensure these rate increases are applied and where applicable increases to employee’s pay are made for the 1st April deadline.

If you have any queries around any of this please do get in touch!