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5 October 2018

6 Ways To Jump Start Your Monday Morning Motivation


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6 Ways To Jump Start Your Monday Morning Motivation

New things are usually great. From the exciting honeymoon period of a new relationship, job or house to the lower-key but still satisfying pleasure of getting a new haircut, novelty is usually considered a good thing. With this in mind, why is it so hard to get that Monday motivation going at the start of a new week?

With the weekend just behind us and what seems like a mountain of work ahead, it can be tricky to approach the week with a positive attitude. However, by making a few small changes, it can be possible to approach the new week with a whole different outlook. Try out these handy tips and see the change for yourself!

1. Start earlier!

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”… the old saying holds true! Studies suggest that people who go to bed and get up early tend to be better planners and more optimistic. Getting in to work early will also give you a head start on the day’s tasks. However you decide to spend your extra time, you’ll feel better off for starting the week smug!

2. Have a good breakfast

Feeling meh? Fire up your energy levels with a healthy breakfast! For longer-lasting fuel, opt for complex carbs, like brown bread or porridge. For mood-boosting Vitamins B and D, you also might want to experiment with wholegrain cereal and blueberries.

3. Go for a walk with a work-friend outside on your lunch break

Want a long-lasting pick-me-up? Turn your lunch break into a power hour and get out and about! Studies show that the effects can last up to 7 hours afterwards – what’s not to like? For extra points, take your work bestie. Recent research confirms what we’ve all long known to be true – spending time with friends is great for our wellbeing. So much so that they can even help you live longer!

4. Make a list of things you’re grateful for

If Monday’s stress levels send you through the roof, psychologists suggest taking a few minutes to jot down a few things you’re grateful for. Although this might be the last thing you feel like doing, shrinks have sworn by this practice for a number of years, so it’s worth a try. You can make it as serious or silly as you like, just try and get to at least 3 things.

5. Personalise your work-space

One of the best things about the weekend is without a doubt the chance to just be you! Why not carry a little of this spirit over into the week by personalising your work-space? Add a framed photo of friends or family to your desk, or even just bring in some funky new stationery for some weekday pizzazz.

6. Set goals for the week ahead

Take control of your week at the very start by setting definite, measurable goals for the week. Commit to tackling that big, overwhelming project that’s been looming over you, even if it’s just in small stages.

If you try all these things and still find yourself dreading the start of a new week then it could be time to start looking for a new role. After all, recent research shows that nearly half of us are in the wrong job for our skill set, so it can’t hurt to see what else is out there! If you’re thinking of looking for a new job, check out some of our latest vacancies. With jobs of all skill sets across a wide range of industries, we have something to suit everyone. Alternatively, simply send us your CV! If it’s been a while since you’ve put one together then check out our handy insider tips on how to format a standout CV. Our dedicated recruiters will then do their best to find something that aligns with your interests.

Whether you choose to tweak your habits, find a new job or both, there’s no reason why Mondays can’t be awesome!