Witham Office

01376 502999

Bury St Edmunds Office

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6 August 2024

Ethan's Work Experience Diary

Prime News

Jack O'Brien, Director standing with Ethan Davis, Work Experience Student with Prime Appointments banners in background

Ethan's Work Experience Diary

In July 2024, we welcomed Ethan to our Witham office for work experience. He joined various divisions to understand what it's like to work in an office setting. He spent significant time assisting with administrative tasks and supporting the consultants.

Ethan joins our list of past work experience students as we continue our commitment to nurturing the next generation of workers.

Below is a full diary of everything Ethan did during his time with Prime Appointments:

What tasks have you undertaken while working with Prime Appointments?

During my time at Prime Appointments, I was able to engage in a variety of different projects.

While assisting the admin team, I formatted CVs for the consultants, approved people on the portal, and categorised candidates.

While working with the Finance department, I helped with credit checks for a total of 248 businesses.

To assist with recruitment, I searched for candidates across all divisions and approved individuals who signed up on the portal.

What have you learned that could help you in the future?

During my time with Prime Appointments, I acquired skills that will be beneficial when I seek employment after finishing my education. These include writing a CV and understanding what makes a good or bad CV. I also now have a better understanding of what it's like to work in a busy office, which will help make the transition from education to working life smoother.

What did you enjoy and why?

The best part was the variety of tasks I was given, which kept things interesting. I didn't do the same tasks every day, and the people were incredibly helpful and friendly, making it a great environment to work in.

Did you receive enough help to ensure you understood the tasks you were given?

The team was very supportive, and I always received help when I needed it. I want to say a big thanks to both Mark and Michelle, who always had answers to my questions. This made tackling new tasks much easier.

What surprised you most about office/work life?

What surprised me the most was how relaxed and friendly the office atmosphere was, and how quickly time passed. I found the eight-hour days flew by, which wasn't what I expected.