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4 September 2019

Fast and furious! One sales consultant’s journey from car sales to recruitment…

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Fast and furious! One sales consultant’s journey from car sales to recruitment…

The well-oiled wheels of the car sales world weren’t quite enough of a challenge for family-man Ross Brown, who decided to turn his talents to the action-packed world of industrial recruitment.

A results-driven sales professional, Ross had carved out a solid niche for himself as a top car salesman in his previous company. A challenging and highly rewarding field, the decision to transfer to talent acquisition wasn’t one that Ross took lightly. With a family of five to support, his number one priority in a role is stability, reward and long-term mileage!

Just over a year on from his carefully considered move, Ross has done great things for our industrial division. Working in close collaboration with big names in the industrial sector throughout the region, his can-do attitude and business acumen have helped drive our team’s success to new heights.

To mark his one-year anniversary with us, we just about managed to prize Ross from his duties to find out just what drove his career transfer and why he’s never looked back…

1. As someone who had a settled career in car sales, why did you decide to take the leap into recruitment?

To get my Saturdays back was definitely a big draw! Many sales roles are six days a week and while I love the job itself as well as the financial rewards, you can’t put a price on work-life balance, especially when you’ve got a young family. Recruitment offered me the chance to channel my sales ability and expertise and enjoy a normal Monday-Friday, 9-5 work week.

2. It must have been quite a change! How did you make the transition a success?

The transition went well, hard work is always the key and trying to soak up as much information as possible. Coming from a sales background, it just felt like a natural step anyway. Having good communication skills and being a real peoples-person helped too. This stands me in good stead for both candidates and clients.

3. What’s it like working in the industrial division?

The industrial division is fast-paced and lots of fun, we have a strong team we all work together and muck in. There are always challenges but as someone who likes to be pushed to excel, that’s a big part of the appeal.

4. What do you like about Prime?

Prime are a great company to work for with a family feel in our large open-plan office. Whether you’re asking a team member or a member of senior staff, people are always open to help you inform yourself and up-skill.

5. Do you have any tips for someone considering making the move to recruitment?

Like anything in life you will get out what you put in, as long as you are hardworking, willing to listen and learn and of course with any sales type environment you will need broad shoulders and a hard outer shell to stop any negativity getting you down.

From the ever-growing numbers of Production Operatives, Warehouse Operatives, Forklift Drivers, Unloaders, Pickers, Packers and more supporting our busy clients day in, day out, we think it’s fair to say that Ross has taken to recruitment like a duck to water! And with his strong track record of business development, the calculated risk has definitely paid off for all parties involved, many times over!

Any sales professionals who love the thrill, financial rewards and social interaction that the sector brings but wants their work-life balance back… we’re here when you decide you want your weekends back.