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21 March 2024

Meet our Marathon runners raising money for Alzheimer's Society

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Meet our Marathon runners raising money for Alzheimer's Society

This April, some of Prime Appointments employees and friends will be taking part in the 2024 TCS London Marathon, raising money for the Alzheimer's Society.

The Alzheimer's Society is working towards a world where dementia no longer ruins lives. They accomplish this by supporting those living with dementia and their families on a daily basis, in addition to researching how to permanently stop dementia in the future.

Each of our runners aims to raise at least £2,000 for the Alzheimer's Society. You can support them via their JustGiving pages linked below.

Craig Turnbull, Marketing Manager:

Craig running journey

I have always been a sporty person, starting with rugby until university, followed by Gaelic football and five-a-side football at university. As I've grown older and become more cautious about injuries, I've replaced contact sports with running. Each year, I run a handful of half-marathon events or trail runs. I have never run a marathon before, and the training is hard work at times. However, I am enjoying the overall journey and looking forward to the day, although I can't see myself converting to running marathons every year.

Why I have chosen to run for Alzheimer’s Society:

The Alzheimer's Society is a charity that Prime Appointments is incredibly passionate about supporting, with co-founder Margaret Locke having to step away from the business at the age of 51 due to an early diagnosis. I also have many friends and family members who have been affected by this disease. I'm running for them and to continue raising awareness for a great cause.

Craig's JustGiving page

Jack O'Brien, Director:

Having run 3 half marathons since COVID, I decided it was time to lace up the trainers and complete the 2024 London Marathon. This has been a goal of mine for a while, so I'm pleased to have finally committed to it. The early morning and late-night training sessions have been relentless, but I am optimistic that the training pays off, aiming for a respectable time of around 4 hours.

Why I have chosen to run for Alzheimer’s Society:

Margaret Locke, Founder of Prime Appointments and my Godmother is the reason why I am running for Alzheimer’s. Those who know Margaret would know that she had such an incredible personality and would light up any room when she walked into it, even though she is still with us now, sadly this horrible disease has made her half the person of who she used to be. The amount of money that I have raised to date is £1,900, so I am hoping this money can go into the research & development area of Alzheimers to come up with a cure for this disease in time.

Jack's JustGiving page